Minding the mess

Life lately

We celebrate two milestones: Plum is walking and E is out of diapers!

Reading lately

Abby read Option B by Sheryl Sandberg, which intertwines the story of Sandberg losing her husband with social science research about grief and resilience.

Sarah also read non-fiction this week, Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy. The book sheds light on the injustice of the death penalty and the ways in which the law is not blind.

Household management

Sometimes things are running smoothly, other times they are a hot mess. We discuss which systems are working, which ones aren’t, and who does what on a weekly basis.

Abby’s favorite floor cleaning tools: the Roomba and this steam mop. If you have any tips or tools for us, please share!

Eating lately

Sarah is roasting her CSA potatoes with bacon, which we agreed would be even more delicious in a taco or burrito.

Abby made homemade pizza using Smitten Kitchen’s crust. If you have suggestions for an excellent jarred sauce that is both spicy and sweet, please share!

If you’d like to join in the conversation, please leave us a comment, email us at friendlierpodcast@gmail.com, or find us on Instagram @friendlierpodcast. Thanks for listening!

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